Thursday, July 21, 2011

Seeking Bible Study Advice

Awhile ago, I made it my goal to read the entire Bible. I had already read the New Testament, and most of it many times. I love the New Testament! All those stories about Jesus and His life and the disciples, and all those wonderful commands and words of advice that totally relate to my life, so many years later...I love it. And the best part is that it's easy to read and makes sense.

But let's talk about the Old Testament. I decided to read it straight through from Genesis to Malachi. And all through Genesis and most of Exodus I loved it. It was like watching an Epic movie! However, then I got toward the end of Exodus, and then had to trudge my way through Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. Those three are definitely my least favorite books of the Bible. Let's be honest: they're kinda boring. So needless to say I lost my momentum a little around that point.

Luckily it got a little more exciting after those three. And now I've made my way all the way through Nehemiah! I'm getting close, and will probably be finished by my goal of about 9 months from now.

However, I'm finding that I'm having a really hard time reading some of these books of the Bible. They are so full of crazy names and places that I can't even pronounce, and honestly, that trips me up. I get to the point where my eyes are scanning across the words, but my brain is not really hearing them. It's too busy trying to figure out what I'm going to do that day and wondering if I can sneak in some pool time. KnowwhatImean?

Since I have trouble concentrating on what I'm reading, I feel like I'm losing a lot of the meaning. So I guess I wonder if anyone else has read through the whole Old Testament, and if you have any words of advice to help me enjoy it more or get more meaning out of it? I feel like I am not really honoring the Lord because I'm kind of just going through the motions. It's definitely a marathon, and I'm getting tired.

I'm kind of excited for when I finish the Old Testament. I've decided I'm going to go through some Beth Moore Bible studies. I think I'll start with David. He is one of my favorite biblical characters, and I find him fascinating. I think it will be great to go through these Bible studies, because I want to go a little deeper. Have you tried any of her studies?? What do you think? I'm so curious.


  1. I like her study on David! My favorite of hers though, is Daniel- it's amazing! And remember, you can buy any of the audio/video of her sessions on I'm about to start her Esther study and I am so looking forward to it!

    As to how to get through the slower Old Testament books... I'd love to see what other people have to say, because I have the same problems!

  2. The Beth Moore studies are great!

  3. Well you can't go wrong with Beth! :)

    Our pastor just did a series on Nehemiah, and when he started it, I thought oh Heaven help us, this is going to be long. All the names and lists! But I have to say it was one of the best series I've heard in a while!

    Partway through he said he'd gotten much of his material from a fantastic study that pulled useful stuff out of endless lists. So here was that book in case you ever want to check it out:

    Gene A. Getz - Nehemiah-Becoming a Disciplined Leader... It is part of the Men of Character series

  4. I love Beth Moore studies, and the David one was especially wonderful! My favorite, however, was "Stepping Up: A Journey Through the Psalms of Ascent."

    I love the Old Testament and how everything in it connects with the New Testament. It's so much more interesting when you see the parallels and God's abundant grace and love for humanity throughout the entire Scripture. Way to go for doing that! :)

  5. I've read through the old testament several tunes. I struggle with not focusing on what I'm reading too, but for me it doesn't matter where I'm reading in the Bible, I can get distracted! Praying beforehand helps, also not reading at night because I'm so tired I just want to go to sleep. It takes work, and you kind of have to trudge through some of those books, but I think the more you read, the easier it gets, and the more the Lord shows you! Hang in there!

  6. I love Beth Moore Bible studies! I've done a few with the women at church and gotten so much out of them. In fact, I might start a new one up soon :)
    I found that I learned SO much about the Bible...not only the people in it but just amazing ways God showed up and provided for His people. Good luck with the Bible study and fill us in on how you like it :)


Thanks so much for taking the time to read and comment! I read and appreciate each and every one. Blessings to you!