Sunday, December 18, 2011

Week in Review: Christmas Break Week 2


~ After a bit of begging, Luke agreed to go out for lunch after church on Sunday.  It is always a huge blessing when I don't have to worry about cooking!

~Sunday night our church hosted the Young and Alive, a show choir from the high school where I graduated.  I was in Y&A too, so it's always fun for me to watch them!

~On Tuesday I got my hair cut.  I just got a few inches taken off.  I'm still a little unsure of whether I like it or didn't turn out exactly how I was picturing (the layering in the back is kind of weird), but I'm sure it will look better when it grows out a bit.

~After I got my hair cut, I came home to find that my grades were posted!  I am so excited that all my hard work paid, off, and hopefully this will be a big help in getting into the graduate program!


~ Later Tuesday night I got a call from my mom, asking if I could fill in at their card club.  I did, and it was fun!  I was totally exhausted afterwards though because I had subbed all day and spent an hour or so at the salon.  I was ready to get in my warm, comfy bed after that evening!

~ On Wednesday I got to spend the whole afternoon shopping for library books for the church library.  Always fun to buy books with someone else's money ;-)  

~ Thursday evening I went out with my mother-in-law and sister-in-law to see Luke's cousin perform part of the Christmas show she was in.  It was so good!  She is very talented :-)

~ After a busy day of subbing on Friday, I went out with my parents and some family friends to go see the new Sherlock Holmes movie.  It was so good!  I thought it was even better than the first one.  Loved it! 

~We were busy all day Saturday with the Wallace Christmas party.  We spent a lot of time eating good food and catching up with family members we only see a few times a year.  At one point, somehow the "adult children" (aka the 20-somethings) ended up with this kids activity book where you had to find hidden objects in a picture (Where's Waldo style).  Umm, I think we enjoyed it a little too much.  Ha!  We spent a good 45 minutes huddled around, locating objects.  Because we're cool like that.

~Saturday night I hung out with Sarah.  we talked, watched Inception, (one of the best movies of all time) and admired her family's ginormous Christmas tree :-)  It was a fun night.  And it was snowing!!!  finally!  So that was great, too :-)


I can't believe Christmas is just a week away!  I have to be honest: I am nowhere near as ready as I would like to be.  But I refuse to panic.  My goal is to enjoy the season this year :-)


  1. I went to see the new Sherlock Holmes movie this weekend as well, and I agree---soooooo good! :) Glad you are enjoying your break!

  2. I can't wait to see Sherlock Holmes!!

    Inception is on my top 10 list. Love it!

  3. That kids book was awesome! I stole it and plan on busting it out on Christmas Eve:)


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