Tonight Luke and I were actually supposed to go to Connect Group. But after this weekend we were still so exhausted, and I ended up falling asleep. Luke decided not to wake me up, and texted our group leader, letting him know we wouldn't be there. I was exhausted, and we still had to go grocery shopping, so Luke knew we probably wouldn't have time to do it all anyway. I appreciated the fact that he just let me sleep, even though I missed going to group! But since we missed it anyway, we decided to do our date night tonight.
Anyway, once I finally woke up at around 6:45, the evening started with us going grocery shopping. Since we were in town anyway, we decided to eat dinner at Hot Dog Shoppe. Yum!
Once we got home, I made some hot cocoa,

Lit a festive candle (balsam and cedarwood)
And we settled in for a cozy date night.
Luke about 30 points! He is much better than me at Scrabble, obviously...but I kept up with him, and was even beating him most of the game, until he got one word worth about 45 points, and that killed me. Oh well, there's always next time!
The most fun part of the evening was probably enjoying Ellie and Gabby.

Gabby was OBSESSED with the Scrabble tiles! She kept trying to steal them and run off with them in her mouth.

But luckily she was just too lazy to keep it up for long. We got so many comments at the Ohio State party this weekend about how fat she is getting. Ha! What can I say...she's a healthy cat!

Lit a festive candle (balsam and cedarwood)
I decided that I wanted to spend our date night chilling at home, watching a Christmas movie with the lights of the tree twinkling in the background. So we popped Elf in the blu-ray player.

While we watched, we played a game of Scrabble.
Luke about 30 points! He is much better than me at Scrabble, obviously...but I kept up with him, and was even beating him most of the game, until he got one word worth about 45 points, and that killed me. Oh well, there's always next time!
Gabby was OBSESSED with the Scrabble tiles! She kept trying to steal them and run off with them in her mouth.
But luckily she was just too lazy to keep it up for long. We got so many comments at the Ohio State party this weekend about how fat she is getting. Ha! What can I say...she's a healthy cat!
Overall, it was a fun, Christmasy date night at home! I say it every week, but I am really loving this date night idea! Even if you can only do it once a month or so, I think it's a great idea! I can't wait to find out what Luke will pick for his date night next week, and I've already got some ideas in mind for when it's my turn the week after that.
I've been having a hard time lately being content with my life, honestly, but it's nights like these that I feel very content and thankful for my freedom. And by that I mean, these date nights wouldn't be happening if we had a baby. There are a thousand reasons I wish I had a baby, but that's at least one reason why I'm happy I don't right now.
I've been having a hard time lately being content with my life, honestly, but it's nights like these that I feel very content and thankful for my freedom. And by that I mean, these date nights wouldn't be happening if we had a baby. There are a thousand reasons I wish I had a baby, but that's at least one reason why I'm happy I don't right now.