Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Time in Between

"Don't take much for this crazy world to rob me of my peace.
And the enemy of my soul says you're holding out on me.

So I stand here lifting empty hands
For you to fill me up again.

But it's the time in between
That I fall down to my knees waiting on what you'll bring,
And the things that I can't see.
I know my song's incomplete;
Still I sing in the time in between."

Today it feels like Francesca Battistelli wrote those lyrics just for me (from the song "The Time in Between.") I love it when that happens: when a song speaks to us right where we are in a situation. Even though I have heard that song at least 100 times, it hit me with new meaning today.

I have thought those very words many times in the past 7 months: "Why is God holding out on me?" But the truth is, He's not. I have felt broken and empty many times recently. But God wants to take my broken, empty, shell, and fill it with His love, peace, hope, direction, guidance, His will, and His glory. If I let Him do that, I am surrendering.

Lately I have learned that surrender is a daily thing. Maybe not even daily...maybe more like hourly, or more often than that, depending on the day. A few weeks ago, I gave everything over to God and was feeling so hopeful! I thought I had figured everything out, at least in one specific situation. HAHAHA! That's all I can say to that. A few days later, I was wondering why I was feeling empty and broken again. I re-surrendered thinking that would take care of it. Then today happened, and I am back where I started again.

It's finally hitting me that surrender is not something that happens once and it's over and done with and everything will be easy after that. It is something I need to be constantly doing. Satan and this world are going to bring me down. Every day. I am going to find myself on my knees and emptied soon, rather than later. But what I'm realizing today is that I need to daily bring this situation that I'm struggling with to God. Every day I need to let go of my expectations and let God fill me with what He has for me. This is Surrender.

"So I stand here lifting empty hands
For You to fill me up again."


  1. AMEN SISTER!! Thanks for sharing these lyrics again. This song is so real and true in my life too :) You are not alone!

  2. I so needed this! We have been TTC forever now and every day a new blogger is announcing they are pregnant. Sometimes I get so frustrated so this was just what I needed to read today :)

  3. Amen - you are absolutely right, Jess. It's a constant battle to just let the Lord handle things and not worry too much. I'm praying for you! And I love that song, by the way!

  4. I hadn't heard this song before - but love it. Thanks for posting....I think I'm going to repost this song on my blog today too if you don't mind.

  5. Abi-No, I don't mind if you share the song on your blog! I love it too! :-)

  6. I love that song. I hope He fills your empty shell with lots of joy and peace that overflows!!!!!

  7. Great post! I'm a new follower to your blog. :) Francesca's got some great, relatable lyrics.

  8. I struggle, still, with surrendering. Every day is a struggle, you are so right. Praying the stress of surrendering eases for you, my friend.

  9. I love this post! Great song to go along with your post today! Thinking of you! Enjoy your weekend! :-)

  10. I first heard this song while I was judging a scholarship competition...and judging or not, it reduced me to tears. BEAUTIFUL lyrics!!

  11. Amen freakin MEN Sista! God continually give us trials to build us up in every way he can to glorify him.


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