Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Alphabet Thanksgiving

Good morning! I am so excited to have a whole week off from class!! I have all kinds of fun plans for the weekend, and can't wait to spend time with family!

Every year I do a Thanksgiving sort of post of things I'm thankful for. This year I wanted to do it a little differently, and came up with the idea of writing something I'm thankful for with every letter of the alphabet. So here goes:

A - Akron....the University of. I'm loving it and it's my top choice for graduate school.

B - Babies. I love babies, and can't wait to have my own someday.

C - Chocolate and coffee....gotta love the simple pleasures in life!

D - Dreams for the future.

E - Entertainment: like movies, books, blogging, etc. I can't remember the last time I was bored!

F - Friends, family, and freedom

G - God, and my relationship with Him. This is my #1.

H - Happiness...and the ability to choose to be happy even when things aren't going my way.

I - iPhone. It's petty, but I love mine. Such a luxury! And it makes like so much easier.

J - Julie, my sister. I know I used "F" for family, but a sister is really something extra special in a category of its own :-)

K -Kitties...They love me and cuddle with me unconditionally

L - Luke! Obviously :-)

M - Music

N - New beginnings, new perspectives. These two phrases define the last 7 or 8 months of my life.

O - Oven. Only because "B" for baking was already taken. I love to bake!! I'm thankful for hobbies like that.

P - Peace, one of God's greatest gifts.

Q - Quiet time with the Lord. The best way to begin each day.

R - Reading good books.

S - Speech pathology, my new career choice!

T - Trust in the Lord. It's something I'm working on daily, and it's where my peace comes from.

U - United States of America. What a blessing to be able to live in a free country, and even have a say in government issues.

V - Vehicle. Oh my, after the trouble we had with our Passat two years ago, I will never take for-granted my wonderful Ford Fusion, which has never given us any trouble for even a second!

W - Winter beauty. You have no idea how much it pained me to write that, but it really is beautiful. At first. And "W" is a hard letter!

X - X-rays??? Umm, I broke my arm once and they were helpful. Obviously "X" is an almost impossible letter!

Y - You...all of my blog friends! What an amazing part of my life you've all become!

Z - Zoo. Umm, I couldn't think of a better "Z" word. And it really is one of my favorite places.

What are you thankful for? Tomorrow between watching the parade, gorging ourselves on turkey, and falling asleep in front of the football games, let's remember to thank God for all the blessings in our lives.

Happy Thanksgiving! Have an excellent holiday, and enjoy every minute with your loved ones. I'm peacin' out until at least Friday, so see ya on the flip side!


  1. Happy Thanksgiving friend! I hope you and Luke have a wonderful holiday full of blessings :)

  2. I love this idea, Jessica! You are so smart. :-) Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Friend!

  3. Brilliant idea! :) I need to get into the spirit of things and do my own Thanksgiving, as we don't celebrate it like you all do in the USA down here in Australia...
    Happy Giving Thanks!


  4. Love this idea! Have a Happy Thanksgiving sweet girl!


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