~Luke and I have joined a young adult Bible Study that will be studying Love and Respect by Emerson Eggerichs. We went to our first one on Sunday night, but no one else showed up! So we just hung out with Rachel and Jesse (our leaders) and talked and watched the Emmys. It was fun, but hopefully more people come next week!
~On Wednesday Sarah came over for a bit. It was nice to have a little study break, and we caught up. Mostly we just laughed at Ellie, who tries to attack my phone whenever I use the piano app.
~Friday night we went out to the Indians game with our friends Alex and Michelle. It was cold and rainy and the game was delayed and we didn't get home until after 1...but it was a fun night anyway! It was dollar dog night, so I ate 2 hot dogs, and my crazy husband ate 7 (!!!!) and we ended up running into several of our friends from church. Plus the Indians won in a walk-off at the bottom of the 9th, and it was fireworks night. So I'd say the good definitely outweighed the bad!
~On Saturday morning I went to one of my favorite places to go in the fall: White House Fruit Farm! I went with my mother-in-law and sister-in-law and we spent all morning stocking up on everything we needed for fall. Then later we went to a little barn craft show and saw lots of pretty things.
~Saturday afternoon, Sarah came over and we took a walk down a nature trail and then hung out in the park a bit. It was nice to see her and catch up with her again!
we may have enjoyed the swings while we were there. We also may have taken 10 minutes to get this photo right using the self-timer on Sarah's Droid.
Things I'm looking forward to next week: Watching the world transform a little more for fall! (I apparently don't have much planned yet for next week :-P)
I love the Love Respect book. It is sooo good and helpful in marriage. Enjoy! Have a great weekend.