Sunday, August 30, 2009

Weekend Blessings

This weekend was full of blessings! It was great to have such a great, refreshing weekend right before the first day of school :-) We decided not to go to Cedar Point yesterday...we might just wait until next year. We may still go sometime in the fall, but we'll see. It was okay, though, we still had a great weekend!

- Friday night I made a homemade pizza, and rented a couple of movies. It was such a relaxing evening!

-Saturday morning we spontaneously decided to visit Luke's sister at college and watch one of her volleyball matches. She just happens to be going to the same college that I went to! It was fun to be on my old campus and to see what all has changed in the past couple of years since I graduated.

- Before Diana's volleyball game we got to see her cute dorm room, and we also visited some other people from our church who are going to Malone. I only lived in the dorms for 1 of the 4 years I was there, but I forgot how small they are!! I definitely don't miss dorm-life :-)

- The volley-ball games ended up being really intense! It was best of 5 games, and they ended up having to play all 5. It was intense up until the last minute, but they ended up winning! Diana's just a freshman, but she got to play some, so it was pretty exciting!

There she is
-After the games, we went to Best Buy with Luke's parents, sister, and her roommate to help pick out a TV for their dorm room. Luke and I got there a little bit before everyone else, and tried to play Guitar Hero while we waited. The second guitar with the display was not working, so I couldn't play it with Luke. That was probably the biggest bummer of the day :-P
-On our way home, after eating a delicious dinner at Chik-Fil-A (yum!), we stopped at Luke's grandparents' house to see their new truck, and show off our new car. There are kittens living right outside their barn, so we spent lots of time playing with them. One of them looked just like Gabby, and I told Luke that I thought Gabby needed a little brother or sister. He didn't agree with me :-P

- When we got home, we relaxed and watched the second movie we had rented the night before. The movies were due at midnight last night, so when it was over at about 11, we ventured out into town to return them. Luke spontaneously bought 3 2-liters of pop on the way home! This is a serious treat at our house, because we NEVER buy pop. I told Luke it felt like Christmas :-P

- This morning after church, we went out to lunch with our friend JC at The Hot Dog Shoppe. We did not order hot dogs, in case you were wondering ;-) they have really good burgers too. After that, I went shopping with Luke for supplies and decorations for my classroom...can't wait to finish decorating it tomorrow!

-Luke and I are planning on spending the rest of the afternoon cleaning out the new car, and the old car so it's ready to be sold. After that, I plan on spending the rest of the evening with Luke, relaxing. It will be a nice way to spend the last day before school starts!


  1. Glad it was a good start to the year! Good luck tomorrow!

  2. Oh, you weekend sounds wonderful! I am glad you got some relaxation in before school starts back!

  3. Sounds like a fun weekend :)

    Hope you have a great day tomorrow!

  4. I'm glad you had a good weekend! You're starting teaching tomorrow?

  5. Yep, you are, I found it! Have a great first day of school!

  6. Sounds like a fun and relaxing weekend!!


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